Five Simple Steps To Recruiting Sponsors for Your Local Events
Seeking Local Sponsorship For Your Health Center Events
Step 1: Write a description of what your event might look like.
- What will the event be called?
- Who do you expect to attend?
- Who has been invited?
- Who has confirmed?
- Where will you hold your event?
- When will you hold your event(s)?
- Why are you holding your event?
- Why is it important?
- How can sponsors help or be involved/included? What’s in it for them?
- What benefits will your sponsor receive by sponsoring the event?
- Why should they care whether or not they get involved?
- How will their time/money be used?
- What type of support are you looking for? Financial, in-kind contributions, give-aways, catering etc. Provide choices of how they can be involved.
Step 2: Make a list of your potential sponsors.
- What local businesses do you often work with? Banks, Pharmacies, Grocery Stores, Chamber of Commerce, Churches, Heating/Fuel Providers, Medical Supply Companies etc.
- What local businesses employ large percentages of your patients?
- What local businesses might be interested in social responsibility?
- Do any local businesses have social service programs?
- Check with your health center board and members for recommendations on likely
Step 3: Make your initial contact and request.
- Before contacting your sponsor, research to see if they have a process for these types of requests.
- Try to establish who your contact person at the company should be for scheduling meetings and making your request.
- Make an appointment well in advance to make your request.
- Don’t be discouraged if they ask for a proposal first before scheduling a meeting. Send a proposal/request and follow up to schedule a meeting face to face if possible.
- Be prepared with your event plan and examples of how their sponsorship could be used both to their benefit and yours.
- Follow up- Always thank your contact, whether they agree to sponsor your event or not.
Step 4: Produce Results- Make good on what you proposed.
When a group agrees to be a sponsor, deliver the results you promised.
- Turn Out- Make sure people attend the event.
- Exposure- Provide the exposure your sponsor was seeking.
- Appreciation- Publicly thank your sponsor.
- Community- Make the community aware of their sponsorship.
When a group chooses not to sponsor . . .
- Attendance- Invite the group to attend the event anyway, so they can see what the value of their involvement might have been for next time.
- Marketing- Send any marketing materials produced for or after the event, to illustrate the value in sponsorship for next year.
- Future Plans- Encourage their involvement in your next event.
Step 5: After your event, follow up- Thank You’s
- Always follow up personally, with a note or in person, recognizing the support of the
Give them information on the success of the event - Let your sponsor know how their support helped the health center and community.
- Thank your sponsor and leave an invitation open for the next event.
Recognize their support publicly if possible.